Friday, September 16, 2011



I’m pleased to invite you to use Scootle to access a wide collection of digital curriculum resources.
          You can register yourself by clicking this link:

Enter your details in the provided form and click Register.

You will then be sent an email asking for you to confirm.

After registering, please check your inbox.

When you click the link in the email, you’ll be able to login to Scootle to access thousands of interactive learning objects, images, audio files and movie clips.
Let me know if you need a hand.
Skootle home page.JPG
PS. Teacher guide

Friday, September 9, 2011

Drop Box

Dropbox is an online storage tool that allows files to be saved via the internet connection. After creating an account, I am able to load files from various computer devices. These can later be syncronised so they remain updated. Its a great way to transfer files without using USB devices. I'm looking forward to sharing this tool with students at school who frequently loose their thumb drives ... and homework.
DropBox Video